Hamlin Fire ISO Rating: 5/5Y
Community Events
May 10, 2024 - HTFD is happy to open our doors to our neighbors, Island City Academy for a several classes to take a station tour which includes the smoke house, climbing in the fire truck, tools, and spraying some water!
May 13, 2024 - HTFD will join our partners to the north in the renewal of Safety Town for our kindergarteners.
May 17, 2024 - HTFD will join ERFD & ERTFD partnering with S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) for a vehicle extrication demo at the Eaton Rapids High School.
May 27, 2024 - HTFD will participate in the 2024 Eaton Rapids Memorial Day parade! The parade is scheduled to start at 11am in the City of Eaton Rapids.
July 4th, 2024 - HTFD will have several trucks and firefighters passing out candy in the Eaton Rapids 4th of July parade! HTFD is also going up against ERFD and ERTFD in a game of waterball following the parade.
September 7th, 2024 - HTFD will join Charlotte Fire in the Frontier Days Parade in Charlotte. Helping our partners out, HTFD will be near the front of the parade and standby at the southern end of the parade for a safer emergency response for any calls on the southern end of town. We are happy to help ensure a safe response with all of our partners throughout Eaton County!
September 28, 2024 - HTFD will join the celebration of Eaton Rapids Fire Department's 150 years of service. Hamlin Fire staff and the Hamlin Firefighter's Association will join in the fire truck parade as well as many other festivities throughout the day!
October 12th, 2024 - 11am-2pm - HTFD and ERMC Annual Fire Prevention Open House and Health Fair!
October 25th & 26th - HTFD will join our neighbors Island City Academy for their annual Pumpkin Walk from 6:30 - 8:30pm each night. Hamlin Fire is happy to help patrol the trails, join in the festivities and provide lighting and electricity for this event using our light trailer.
November 30, 2024 - The Hamlin Township Firefighter's Association will host a Pictures with Santa fundraiser at the Hamlin Fire station from 11a-1p. Come support your local firefighter's association and get pictures with Santa and a fire truck! (Well behaved pets also welcome).
December 6th, 2024 @ 5pm - HTFD will be assisting our partners, Onondaga Fire and Santa, with toy delivery at the VFW National Home.
December 7th, 2024 @ 6pm - HTFD will have several trucks in the Eaton Rapids Family Christmas Parade!
December 18th, 2024 @ 5pm - Some HTFD members will join other area departments for Shop with a Hero in Charlotte.
May 13, 2024 - HTFD will join our partners to the north in the renewal of Safety Town for our kindergarteners.
May 17, 2024 - HTFD will join ERFD & ERTFD partnering with S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) for a vehicle extrication demo at the Eaton Rapids High School.
May 27, 2024 - HTFD will participate in the 2024 Eaton Rapids Memorial Day parade! The parade is scheduled to start at 11am in the City of Eaton Rapids.
July 4th, 2024 - HTFD will have several trucks and firefighters passing out candy in the Eaton Rapids 4th of July parade! HTFD is also going up against ERFD and ERTFD in a game of waterball following the parade.
September 7th, 2024 - HTFD will join Charlotte Fire in the Frontier Days Parade in Charlotte. Helping our partners out, HTFD will be near the front of the parade and standby at the southern end of the parade for a safer emergency response for any calls on the southern end of town. We are happy to help ensure a safe response with all of our partners throughout Eaton County!
September 28, 2024 - HTFD will join the celebration of Eaton Rapids Fire Department's 150 years of service. Hamlin Fire staff and the Hamlin Firefighter's Association will join in the fire truck parade as well as many other festivities throughout the day!
October 12th, 2024 - 11am-2pm - HTFD and ERMC Annual Fire Prevention Open House and Health Fair!
- Each year the Hamlin Township Fire Department and Eaton Rapids Medical Center partner together to bring the community together for annual heath checks, reminders, free food and activities for the kids!
- Activities include: Bounce house, fire truck tours, spraying a fire hose, smoke house, and much more!
October 25th & 26th - HTFD will join our neighbors Island City Academy for their annual Pumpkin Walk from 6:30 - 8:30pm each night. Hamlin Fire is happy to help patrol the trails, join in the festivities and provide lighting and electricity for this event using our light trailer.
November 30, 2024 - The Hamlin Township Firefighter's Association will host a Pictures with Santa fundraiser at the Hamlin Fire station from 11a-1p. Come support your local firefighter's association and get pictures with Santa and a fire truck! (Well behaved pets also welcome).
December 6th, 2024 @ 5pm - HTFD will be assisting our partners, Onondaga Fire and Santa, with toy delivery at the VFW National Home.
December 7th, 2024 @ 6pm - HTFD will have several trucks in the Eaton Rapids Family Christmas Parade!
December 18th, 2024 @ 5pm - Some HTFD members will join other area departments for Shop with a Hero in Charlotte.
Frequently Asked Questions
when i call 911 for a medical emergency, why does the fire department show up too?
Our firefighters are also undergo medical training. Many of our firefighters are EMTs or Paramedics. When a 911 call is received for a medical emergency, there are times when our fire department can arrive before the ambulance and start patient care. Other times, we help the ambulance crew by assisting with patient care, helping move the patient to the ambulance, or even providing the ambulance crew with a driver to the hospital so both ambulance crew members can help the patient.
Why do firefighters cut holes in the roof of a building during a fire? Doesn't this do even more damage to the house?
The process of cutting holes in the roof is called ventilation. Ventilating a structure during a fire allows superheated gases and smoke to vent out of the building making it safer for those inside, both firefighters and those trapped. This process also makes it safer for firefighters to search for victims and fight the fire. Venting a building can also help prevent the spread of the fire through the structure.
Why do i see the fire trucks parked outside with the lights on and why do they wash the trucks so often?
When the various fire trucks are parked outside the station with the lights on its generally either training or a regular maintenance check. Firefighters have to regularly check their equipment to make sure its ready and will work properly at a moments notice in an emergency. Firefighters also clean or oil their equipment to make sure it lasts. Fire trucks generally have a 20 year life span this mean regular washes and maintenance to ensure it lasts and most importantly we take pride in our job and our equipment.
What is the difference between paid on-call (volunteer) and full-time fire departments?
Over 70% of firefighters in the United States are classified as volunteer.
The members of the HTFD are paid on-call volunteer firefighters. Like full time firefighters we must also obtain a minimum of a Level Firefighter 1 & 2 certificate issued by the State of Michigan.
The difference is our HTFD members' full time job is not firefighting. Paid on-call volunteer departments do not staff the station 24/7 like full time departments. When the call for service comes in we respond from what ever we are doing where ever we are to the station.
The members of the HTFD are paid on-call volunteer firefighters. Like full time firefighters we must also obtain a minimum of a Level Firefighter 1 & 2 certificate issued by the State of Michigan.
The difference is our HTFD members' full time job is not firefighting. Paid on-call volunteer departments do not staff the station 24/7 like full time departments. When the call for service comes in we respond from what ever we are doing where ever we are to the station.
Why do I see civilian vehicles driving with flashing red lights and sirens activated?
Being a volunteer department, personnel need to respond as quickly and safely as possible from where ever they are, in emergencies. Our firefighters respond to the station to pick up the appropriate emergency apparatus or other equipment while one of our command officers respond directly to the scene to provide more information for responding units. All this needs to be done as quickly as possible because in an emergency seconds count. The emergency lights allow us to respond in the quickest and safest manner possible to help the community in an emergency. When the lights are activated, our vehicle is now an emergency response vehicle. Please yield to this type of vehicle just as any other type of emergency vehicle.